Limited 10 women. Few spots remain. Enroll NOW!
You're here because you know the missing piece to abundant fertility is not more tests, tracking or treatments...
It's energetic.
And you know you're just one shift away to having your positive.
Shifting into the feminine is not about feeling more aligned, it's about reprogramming your energetic blueprint into the deepest feminine receptivity.
Every cycle you spend not in your feminine energy, you're diluting your fertility and it's taking 10X longer to get pregnant.
After shifting hundreds of women into their feminine, I've witnessed how quickly their fertility skyrockets, making conceiving easier and faster than ever before.
... when age, diagnoses, and statistics previously blocked them, they defied logic and instantly were able to get (& STAY) pregnant *against all odds*
It's time you leverage the power of feminine energy by shifting at the deepest level of your womb, and I'm here to show you the exact step-by-step and the resources to integrate it fully to conceive with ease.
10 Weeks to Positive
Inside my most intimate fertility immersion, you will energetically shift into and embody your feminine*receptive* energy to 10X your fertility instantly.
We are taking your fertility from desperately 'trying' where all you do is hyper-fixate on what more you need to DO...
to an effortless state of being, magnetic in your receiving energy and aligned to the specific frequency to conceive.
Say hello to your energetic blueprint to the & have your baby, now.
Imagine having my highly-intuitive and expert eyes on your fertility to make the one shift that's been blocking you all these months
More women like you, who defied logic and conceived *instantly* with these exact micro-shifts 👇🏽
You now what breaks my heart?
Watching so many women *think* something is wrong with their fertility and spiral into limiting fears that their "body is broken," "time is running out," they're not "deserving enough," and wakeup questioning if they're even meant to become a mom.
I've had clients who...
❌ hadn't had a period in over 10 years
❌ diagnosed with endometriosis and told she'd need IVF at 26 years old
❌ failed 4 IUI's and told she had 'incurable' PCOS
❌ tried for over 16 years and never saw a positive
❌ gone through 3 heart breaking miscarriages in less than a year
❌ had multiple autoimmune conditions leading to 'unexplained' infertility and an early miscarriage
You know what they ALL had in common?
They all had *convincing* evidence to why they couldn't become get pregnant and yet...
each of them defied logic, statistics and their *own* deeply rooted fears to get pregnant AND give birth to beautiful healthy, happy babies.
Each of them learned to bring feminine energetics into their fertility and conceived with ease, just as they were meant to.
Here's the thing, you may have *evidence* that you're not getting pregnant (yet), but when you bring energetics in, you radically shift the trajectory of your journey because you learn to align with *abundant* fertility NOW.
THIS is the secret to embodied and effortless fertility.
It is Universal Law.
If it is on your heart, it is MEANT for you.
In 10 Weeks to Positive, you will be held to a *NEW* energetic standards of possibility that creates miracles again and again.
You're ready to ditch every ounce of pressure, sacrifice, and resistance...
You KNOW it's time to step into the FLOW of abundant fertility that is your *birthright*.
You're ready for your Positive.
Here's How It Works
This immersion is NOT another 10 week course *intellectualizing* fertility, "deep in the weeds" interpreting test results that get you no where.
You will receive personalized energetic SHIFTS that immediately result in the flow of fertility that you can *palpably* FEEL.
Here you will be revealed your blind spots that, until now, have blocked your fertility, then receive *direct* coaching to shift instantly and open your energetics into feminine receptivity to allow for effortless conception where others deemed it impossible.
Gone are the days of endlessly researching your progesterone levels, nitpicking what day you ovulated and canceling your weekend plans because of level 10 exhaustion of the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on.
Here is where your ENERGETICS take care of the physical healing and 'fixing" FOR you while figuring out the "HOW" so you don't have to.
While others will tell you you need to plot, plan and micromanage every ounce of your nutrition, supplement and lifestyle...
you're having the best sex of your life, on your way to a weekend getaway and thinking "this is the month I get pregnant, I can FEEL it!" ...and so you DO.
Have a dip in belief? Let an old limiting thought sneak back in? Maybe an emotional trigger out of nowhere?
You'll know *exactly* how to shift your energy and catapult back into the frequency of abundant fertility so you *never* lose momentum to conceiving baby.
Say goodbye to the disempowering stories, limiting beliefs, and emotional rollercoaster of hope and disappointment that has you wavering in your belief and self worth.
You wakeup up *knowing* WHO you are, what you are meant for and, without a shadow of a doubt, that your baby is just around the corner and there's nothing that can stop you, IT'S YOURS.
After bringing feminine energetics into my year long fertility struggle, I conceived my baby instantly and effortlessly.
My fertility has never been the same once I learned how to let go of the masculine doing and fixing of what I thought was broken...
Not only do I have the FREEDOM to consciously conceive my babies, but my cycle, hormones, and physical health is optimal without having to *think* or micromanage anything about it.
Feminine energetics took me from *constricting* my fertility and repelling my baby to receptive, magnetic and in flow with fertility as my *natural* state.
Now my wisdom, practices and methodology is ALL yours, mama.
Limited 10 women. Few spots remain, Enroll Now
10 Weeks to Positive isn’t just a series of practices; it’s a complete reprogramming of your womb’s energy at its core. Unlike anything you’ve done before, this experience offers a deep feminine alignment that goes beyond techniques and into true energetic transformation. It’s not just another step; it’s the shift that’s been missing all along.
The beauty of this shift is that it’s entirely within you; it’s about you embodying the energy that opens you to pregnancy. And as you make this shift, your energy naturally radiates, creating an environment that influences everything around you, including your partner. Often, as women shift into this receptive state, their partners feel a subtle alignment, bringing a newfound harmony to the journey.
You’ve already achieved so much by leading yourself with clarity, discipline, and commitment. 10 Weeks to Positive works with that same inner power but redirects it toward receptivity instead of control. By opening your womb’s energetic blueprint into the feminine, your body naturally becomes a space where conception can happen effortlessly. This is about creating alignment at the deepest level, where results happen from within.
It's time to experience effortless, free-flowing fertility in the way that you dream of. It's time to Create On-Demand Fertility that you can feel
Here's a Breakdown of What You Get
This container is *highly* intentional and designed to get you results.
Integration & Embodiment
You will be led and guided through the 4 phases to embodied feminine energy for abundant fertility inside the 10 week group immersion.
This container is *highly* intentional and designed to get you results.
How? Through integration and embodiment.
Each week I will present a theme and ensure that step by step you’ve integrated it so there’s never a question if it’s working or left wondering if you’re doing it right.
With my 7 years experience and coaching hundreds of women into their embodiment, you’ll master these energetics in record time.
Daily (Monday - Friday), direct coaching and energetic shifts from Stesha so you always know what to do & have personalized support to collapse time to baby.
Think deep and personalized 1-1 conversations to directly support you in integrating and embodying the energetics you need to step into abundant fertility.
No waiting for calls
No trying to fit live events into your calendar
Think plug in, get support, plug out and embody
What’s more, I can see your blind-spots instantly so that you uncover the deeper subconscious blocks, that until now, have been causing resistance to you getting and staying pregnant.
Immersed into a circle of high-level women who have been divinely chosen to rise into conscious motherhood together.
When you enroll, you will join a private, intimate messenger with select group of women.
This container is dedicated to your mastery of feminine energetics you need to step into and align with abundant fertility that opens you up to 'miraculous' conception.
Say hello to easeful, effortless fertility.
👉 You've been trying naturally for months and you're ready to bring in a deeper level of energetics to get and stay pregnant with ease
👉 You've experienced loss, heartbreak and ready to come back home to yourself and find deeper meaning in your journey
👉You have one or more 'failed' IUI/IVF and want to give yourself the best chances of conceiving naturally without fear
👉 You are planning a fertility treatment in the next 3-6 months and want to feel calm and at ease through the process
👉 You have been diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" and you know that you have energetic blocks that need shifting and ready to step into your power and create the fertility you desire
👉 You have been worried about your age, or frustrated by an underlying imbalance such as PCOS, Endometriosis, or missing ovulation and you're read to take back your power and heal at the deepest level
👉You're ready to surrender the constant frenzy, trying to figure out what's wrong with your body, and desperately searching for the answer from doctors & expert
👉 You've been cleaning up your fertility diet, obsessing over your cycle tracker & ovulation tests daily, researching the best supplements & taking them religiously, but no idea if it's even working and you're just DONE
👉The harder you work & the more you try to perfect, the more exhausted, doubtful & defeated you feel, compromising any remaining joy in this journey
👉 You just wish someone (an expert with experience) would teach you how to step into abundant fertility, so you can finally conceive your baby and become the mother you always dreamed of
Regardless of where you are on your fertility journey, you're here because you desire a different approach to consciously conceive.
If you feel any or all of the above, this offer created by me (Stesha, your fertility energetics expert) is JUST FOR YOU!