Raise your hand if you are feeling...

😩 Like you've hit a wall in what you can do with nutrition and lifestyle and *still* not seeing results

😩 Absolutely exhausted by all the rules, should's and have-tos'

😩 Beyond burned out from cycle tracking, OPK tests, and hormone monitoring

😩 Like nobody gets how hard it is, mounting into level 10 resentment toward family (especially your partner)

😩 Overwhelmed with the responsibility and all you need to manage to make this baby happen

😩 Confused why no amount of productivity, work ethic and crossed out to-do list’s are enough to get pregnant

😩 Petrified at the thought of going ALL IN and 'failing'....again - if it hasn't happened NOW, how is it ever going to happen?

The truth is, you don't need to ...

❌ Get your hormones tested to make sure your fertility is working

❌ track your cycle daily so you don't miss the timing of your fertile window

❌ get on a restrictive clean eating diet or else your egg quality won't be enough

❌ around the clock supplementation to make sure your hormones stay balanced

❌ stick to daunting detoxes & gut healing protocols just to make sure your body is working perfectly...


What you need is a simple way to *align* your deepest beliefs, thoughts and actions to abundant and effortless fertility so that you're not endlessly 'trying' to get pregnant... instead, you're EMBODIED in it at the deepest level.



  • simply wake up knowing exactly what to do to get pregnant this cycle ( & it felt FUN and expansive), without ever overthinking a single decision
  • *actually* FEEL the real-time momentum in your fertility journey building  with every step, without having to check-in to a tracker or get hormones tested
  • start living your life and *enjoying* the intimate moments with your partner, without an ounce more of sacrifice, knowing (with full-body certainty) that your baby is on the way!

😡 (WITHOUT having to hustle or micromanage every step for it to work) πŸ˜΅

What if fertility was innate within your and getting pregnant was something that just happens for you... again and again?!


"I can really see now that energetically I was creating blocks from those thoughts & planning the outcome. This is what I needed to hear to bring this up. So grateful to be here"

Your Price? $497

And you get instant access to the entire course as soon as you enroll!

hi mama!

I'm Stesha Reukauf


I used to spend every waking minute worrying about how to get pregnant and doubting my whole life's purpose because it wasn't happening despite being the healthiest person I knew...

After being fed up (and completely burnout) with the traumatizing experience, I decided to find happiness, joy and fulfillment in myself right here, right now and trust that I am meant to become a mother and my baby is on her way.

What happened next?

I conceived EFFORTLESSLY the next month. Think it was a fluke? NOPE - I implemented the same energetic shifts when I decided to have my 2nd baby and BOOM - conceived her in the first month of 'trying'.

And now my clients who are ready to be fully activated in their feminine energy and fertility come to me to conceive after years of trying every thing, doing everything, even after recurring miscarriages and failed treatments.

Women get pregnant when we embody our feminine energy - it's THAT simple...

and now it's YOUR turn!

It's time to say HELLO to:


🀰a fertility plan that feels like a breeze

🀰 knowing EXACTLY what to do to shift into *abundant* fertility as your natural state

🀰Effortless fertility journey that has you living your best life (getting a massage, going dancing, a spicy marg with the girls, a spontaneous weekend getaway with your honey)

🀰being so at ease in your feminine, it feels so good to lean back and receive, *knowing* you are fully taken care of with everything you need to effortlessly conceive your baby

🀰feeling energized at every phase of your cycle, knowing that you are a match for your baby and enjoying becoming the mother you desire to be, NOW


It's time to say GOODBYE to:


πŸ‘‹ Fertility burnout, overthinking and shame

πŸ‘‹ tracking overwhelm and confusion about what makes a cycle normal or not

πŸ‘‹ saving surface-level fertility tips, tricks and hacks, hoping that if you do them ALL, it'll work to get pregnant faster

πŸ‘‹ feeling absolutely exhausted from the constant pressure and wanting to call it quits when you get your period (because how could you possible keep all this up for another month when it hasn't happened yet...)

30 Days to Embodied Fertility is *intentionally* designed to ...

shift you OUT of your masculine and deep into your feminine receiving mode in every single aspect of your fertility journey.

...all through the following transmissions, community and energetics toolkit:

πŸ’Ž 30 days of consecutive transmissions designed to step you into the deepest embodiment of effortless, embodied fertility

πŸ’…what many women miss is that your fertility is NOT dependent on what you do.. but who you BE.

πŸ’…that is why I have crafted these transmissions to bypass the conditioning of needing to DO to get pregnant and step into the magnetic feminine *receptive* energy that primes you for effortless conception.

πŸ’Ž Journal activations to release hidden blocks and powerfully align to fertility

πŸ’…your natural, innate state is already that of *abundant* fertility. The only thing blocking you from it is your conditioned beliefs and perpetual thoughts that you keep you cut off from this existing reality.

πŸ’…each of the journal prompts are designed to expand your awareness and reveal where your thinking has been blocking what you desire. Once you see it, you have the power to shift it, NOW!

πŸ’Ž Community space for daily structure, consistency and inspiration to blow the top off what's possible in your fertility journey

πŸ’…when you have a group of women all on the same journey, who have experienced what you thought was only happening to you... something incredible happens..

πŸ’…the shame dissolves, lightness floods in and all of sudden you realize you're not all alone, that this is really possible for you and for the first time, you are SEEN without having to explain yourself or worry.

PLUS you have lifetime access to these lessons to access again and again

πŸ’…because why would we ever limit your ability to always be able to come back, freshen up your energetics, and go even deeper with the codes...

This 30 day challenge experience is priceless and a no-brainer to activate and embody the energetics of fertility.


30 Days to Embodied Fertility is perfect for you if:

πŸ‘‰ You've been trying naturally for months and you're ready to bring in a deeper level of energetics to get and stay pregnant with ease

πŸ‘‰ You've experienced loss, heartbreak and ready to come back home to yourself and find deeper meaning in your journey

πŸ‘‰You have one or more 'failed' IUI/IVF and want to give yourself the best chances of conceiving naturally without fear

πŸ‘‰ You are planning a fertility treatment in the next 3-6 months and want to feel calm and at ease through the process

πŸ‘‰ You have been diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" and  you know that you have energetic blocks that need shifting and ready to step into your power and create the fertility you desire

πŸ‘‰ You have been worried about your age, or frustrated by an underlying imbalance such as PCOS, Endometriosis, or missing ovulation and you're read to take back your power and heal at the deepest level

πŸ‘‰You're ready to surrender the constant frenzy, trying to figure out what's wrong with your body, and desperately searching for the answer from doctors & expert

πŸ‘‰ You've been cleaning up your fertility diet, obsessing over your cycle tracker & ovulation tests daily, researching the best supplements & taking them religiously, but no idea if it's even working and you're just DONE

πŸ‘‰The harder you work & the more you try to perfect, the more exhausted, doubtful & defeated you feel, compromising any remaining joy in this journey


πŸ‘‰ You just wish someone (an expert with experience) would teach you how to step into abundant fertility, so you can finally conceive your baby and become the mother you always dreamed of

Regardless of where you are on your fertility journey, you're here because you desire a different approach. But you just don't know what that approach is (until now!)...

If you feel any or all of the above, this offer created by me (Stesha, your fertility energetics expert) is JUST FOR YOU!